
People Who

My illustration for PEOPLE WHO is up!

You can see it here:  Click to see!

So awesome. It was my first ever illustration "job" and I had so much fun making it!





For some reason, people find this drawing very, very weird.


Desmond Tutu is my homeboy


But of course when I draw him he ends up looking creepy...

The one who knows where she lives.

I was messing around in Gimp, trying to sort out some of my sketchbook drawings, and this shit happened:

Not completely sure what I did, but I decided that I liked it.
Sketch by me /psychedelic colour fuck-up by Gimp (and me, I guess)

This little guy is who you'll see on the first page of my sketchbook.  He tells you how to contact me / where to send my dear sketchbook (if a kind soul were to do that) if I ever lost it.

Had my first day at art school today. So far it seems nice.
I should probably sleep.



Creepy fox was made on the bus to Berlin.
The original is (soon) owned by mr. Hucknall.

Finally scanned stuff from my sketch book, so there'll be more up soon (hopefully).